How To Choose The Best Podcast Format

Choose best podcast format

Choosing the right podcast format is crucial for success. You might think it’s a simple decision, but don’t take it lightly. When listeners start loving a podcast, familiarity is key. 

So, getting it right from the start is essential. As a podcast consultant, I’ve been asked countless times about the best format for different situations. 

Today, I’m here to guide you through the three most common podcast formats: solo shows, interview shows, and team shows. Each format has its pros and cons, and understanding them will help you make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs.

How to pick the best podcast format

Choosing the best podcast format involves considering several key factors to align with your goals, audience, and production capabilities.


Define Your Goals: Determine the purpose of your podcast. Are you aiming to educate, entertain, inspire, or inform? Clarifying your goals will help narrow down suitable formats.

Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s preferences and interests. Consider the content they enjoy consuming and the format that resonates most with them.

Evaluate Your Expertise: Assess your strengths as a host or creator. Are you comfortable leading solo discussions, conducting interviews, or collaborating with co-hosts? Choose a format that aligns with your skills and style.

Consider Production Needs: Evaluate your resources, including time, budget, equipment, and team support. Some formats, like solo shows, may require less production effort compared to interview or team shows.


Research Competitors: Study other podcasts in your niche or industry. Analyze their formats, content structure, audience engagement, and success factors to gain insights for your own format selection.

Test and Iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment and adapt. You can start with a format and make adjustments based on listener feedback, performance analytics, and evolving content trends.

Stay Flexible: While choosing a format is crucial, remain open to modifications. Podcasting allows for format evolution over time based on audience feedback, industry changes, and creative inspiration.

3 Best podcast format

1. Solo podcast format

A solo podcast format features one person delivering content without guests, co-hosts, or sidekicks. This format offers several advantages but also comes with its challenges.



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  • Quickest and Easiest to Produce: As a solo host, you don’t have to rely on anyone else, making it quick and straightforward to record episodes.
  • Full Creative Control: You have complete control over the content, tone, and direction of each episode, allowing for consistent messaging.
  • Predictability for Editing: Solo shows are more predictable, making them easier to edit as you know exactly what was said and how it was delivered.
  • No Dependency on Guests: Since there are no guests, you don’t have to coordinate schedules or worry about guest availability.


  • Content Creation Responsibility: As the sole creator, you are responsible for generating all content, which can be more demanding compared to collaborative formats.
  • Limited Audience Engagement: Without guest interactions, episodes may lack the variety and dynamics that guest-driven shows offer.
  • Challenges in Guest Sharing: Since there are no guests, there are no external parties to share episodes, limiting potential audience reach through guest promotions.

Despite these challenges, solo podcasts can be highly effective for individuals who prefer full creative control, have a clear message to deliver, and enjoy the simplicity of solo production.

2. Interview podcast format

An interview podcast format involves the host interviewing guests to provide insights, expertise, and diverse perspectives. 


One of the best-performing interview podcasts is “The Social Media Marketing Talk Show” hosted by Jerry Potter for Social Media Examiner. 

This show has seen significant growth and success within the realm of interview-format podcasts. 

Through consistent hosting, engaging content, and strategic guest collaborations, it has attracted a dedicated audience interested in social media marketing insights and strategies.


  • Content Variety without Sole Responsibility: Interview shows allow hosts to bring in diverse content through guest expertise without having to create all the content themselves.
  • Guest Promotion and Audience Reach: Guests often share episodes with their audiences, expanding your podcast’s reach and potential listener base.
  • Reduced Content Creation Pressure: While preparation is needed for interviews, hosts don’t bear the sole responsibility of generating all episode content.
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  • Booking and Scheduling Challenges: Securing quality guests, coordinating schedules, and potential rebooking due to cancellations can be time-consuming.
  • Technical Complexity: Managing remote interviews, ensuring audio quality, and dealing with potential tech issues add complexity to production.
  • Editing Complexity and Unpredictability: Interview conversations can veer off-topic, leading to more editing work to maintain episode focus and flow.

Despite these challenges, interview podcasts can be engaging, informative, and beneficial for networking with industry experts, sharing valuable insights, and attracting guest-driven audience engagement.


3. Team podcast format

A team podcast format involves two or more hosts collaborating on episodes, offering dynamic discussions and shared responsibilities.

Many popular team podcasts exhibit strong teamwork, engaging discussions, and effective content delivery, leading to their widespread listener appeal and growth within the podcasting community.



  • Content Collaboration: Having multiple hosts allows for diverse perspectives, engaging discussions, and shared content creation responsibilities.
  • Workload Division: Tasks such as content creation, marketing, and audience engagement can be divided among team members, reducing individual workload.
  • Comfort and Interaction: For hosts uncomfortable with solo formats, team shows provide a supportive environment for discussions and interactions, easing hosting pressures.


  • Chemistry Challenges: Maintaining consistent chemistry and rapport among team members over multiple episodes can be challenging.
  • Creative Differences: Varying opinions and creative styles among hosts may lead to conflicts or challenges in maintaining a cohesive podcast identity.
  • Brand Development Complexity: Establishing a clear brand identity and roles within a team show requires careful planning and ongoing coordination.

Podcast format structure

Podcast format structure is the framework and organization of content within a podcast episode or series. It is the arrangement of segments, style of delivery, length of episodes, and overall presentation to create an engaging listening experience for the audience.

Narrative Storytelling

One popular podcast format structure is Narrative Storytelling. This structure often features a central theme or narrative throughout each episode or series. It includes elements such as scripted storytelling, sound effects, music, and interviews interwoven to create a compelling and immersive narrative experience. 


Examples of podcasts using this structure include “Serial,” which goes deep into investigative journalism with serialized storytelling, and “This American Life,” known for its captivating narratives and storytelling prowess.

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Conversational Format

Another format structure is the Conversational Format commonly found in interview shows and casual discussion podcasts. In this structure, hosts and guests engage in conversations covering various topics, sharing personal experiences, insights, and opinions. 

The structure may include opening introductions, main discussions, and closing remarks. Examples include “The Joe Rogan Experience,” known for its long-form conversational style with diverse guests discussing a wide range of topics, and “Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard,” featuring in-depth conversations on life, relationships, and personal growth.


The Educational/Informational structure focuses on providing valuable information, insights, and expertise on specific topics or industries. Episodes typically follow a structured outline or curriculum, presenting information in an organized and informative manner. 


Examples include “Stuff You Should Know,” exploring fascinating topics with informative discussions, and “The Tim Ferriss Show,” featuring interviews and insights from experts across various fields, offering valuable lessons and strategies.

Panel Discussion

The Panel Discussion structure involves multiple hosts or experts engaging in discussions, debates, and analyses on current events, trends, or specific subjects. 

The format fosters diverse perspectives, lively exchanges, and audience engagement through group dynamics. 

Examples include “The Daily,” featuring discussions and analyses on current news and events, and “The Talk Show,” delving into tech industry insights and discussions with industry experts.


Final thought…

The best podcast format is the one that aligns with your podcast’s vision, content objectives, and audience engagement strategies. 

Flexibility and adaptation are also key, don’t hesitate to experiment your choosing format based on listener feedback, industry trends, and creative inspirations. 

By choosing a format that connects with your audience and complements your strengths as a host, you can create captivating, consistent content that keeps listeners coming back for more.

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