9 Best Ways To Promote Your Blog As A Beginner

places to promote your blog


Today I’m excited to share with you 9 clever ways to promote your blog as a beginner.

Let’s get started.

How to promote your blog

Here are the best blog promotion strategies that can help you generate traffic fast without paying for ads.


1. Optimize your blog post

The first crucial step in promoting your blog is to ensure your content and technical aspects are optimized to the best possible standards.

This involves a range of essential tasks, such as crafting catchy headlines that attract readers’ attention. 

Additionally, your blog post URLs should be descriptive, accurately reflecting the topics you cover. 

Consistency in using appropriate header formats throughout your blog is equally crucial.


Getting these on-page factors right is essential because it aligns your content with what real users are searching for, matching their intent accurately.

2. Reach out for guest post

As your brand grows, and you gain more visibility, you can approach influential individuals or bigger brands to promote your content. 

Pitching them on publishing a guest blog post for you can be highly beneficial.

Guest blogging serves a dual purpose: it not only provides free content to the website you’re collaborating with but also delivers valuable insights to their readers. 


In return, you benefit from spikes in traffic back to your site, attracting highly targeted visitors who share a common interest.

This presents an excellent opportunity to build relationships with these targeted individuals and expand your network.

3. Be active on video platforms

Video content is an incredibly powerful tool, and you simply cannot overlook platforms like YouTube. 

Through video, I’ve been able to engage my audience in ways that were previously unimaginable. It has allowed me to establish deeper connections and reach my audience in a more profound way compared to written content alone.


With video, there’s a heightened level of communication, and people can genuinely feel the emotions and authenticity you convey. This deeper connection enhances the overall engagement.

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It’s crucial to diversify the formats of content you publish. In addition to written content, venture into video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.

This trend is rapidly gaining momentum, and I see it continuing to grow in the future.

4. Target the right people

The great thing about social media platforms is that there’s no inherently ‘bad’ one. 


However, the key is to be present on platforms where your target audience spends their time.

It’s essential to take real inventory of who your audience is and engage with them directly. Don’t make assumptions; instead, find out where they prefer to spend their time online. 

Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or other platforms, different categories of people tend to allocate their time differently.

Distributing your content on the wrong platforms can be a waste of time and effort. 


So, ensure you are reaching the right people by being present where your target audience is most active.

5. Provide helps on forum websites

Online forums like Quora, Growth Hackers (if you’re in marketing), and Product Hunt (if you’re more tech-focused) are fantastic platforms for engaging with your audience. 

These forums have highly engaged users who spend significant time discussing various topics and answering questions. 

Participating in discussions, conducting Q&A sessions, or even hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on platforms like Reddit can have a huge impact in getting people interested in your brand.


By interacting with the community on these forums, you not only introduce yourself to potential audiences but also pique their curiosity to click through and visit your blog.

6. Study your competitors

Explore the social web, whether it’s platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and pay attention to what people are saying about your competitors.

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When you come across conversations where people are expressing negative opinions about your competition, or praising them, that’s your cue to engage in those discussions. 

Step in and take advantage of the opportunity.


For instance, if someone is raving about X-Y-and Z company’s fantastic post, don’t miss the chance to respond to them. Share how you also have a similar post, but yours covers additional valuable points like A, B, and C, which their post may not have addressed.

Take that chance to showcase your unique value.

Implementing this simple strategy can drive more traffic to your blog and make more people familiar with your brand.

7. Leave a comment on your competitor’s blog

Don’t overlook your competitors’ blogs.


They regularly post valuable content, and there’s no reason why you can’t engage with them positively.

Instead of being negative or boastful, take a more constructive approach. Leave a comment that appreciates their post and their efforts. You could say something like, “Nice post. I love how you covered X, Y, and Z.”

Furthermore, share some additional tips or insights related to the topic they’ve covered. For instance, you can mention, “We also cover this, that, and the other in our blog posts. If you’re interested, feel free to check it out here,” and provide a link back to your site.

By doing so, you not only build a positive relationship but also open the door for potential traffic from your competitors’ audience.


8. Find out who is linking to your competitors

One powerful strategy is to visit ahrefs.com, input your competitor’s blog URL, and explore the websites that are linking to them.

Next, take the time to send a simple and friendly email to each of these website owners. 

For instance, you might write something like:

The key here is to approach it casually without directly asking them to link to your blog. 


Instead, you’re starting a conversation and presenting your content as an alternative or valuable addition to what they’ve already linked to.

By taking this friendly approach, more people are likely to include your blog posts on their websites and link back to you.


Using ahrefs.com provides valuable insights into all the sites linking to your competitor, making it easier for you to reach out to potential linking opportunities.

9. View your competitors most popular post

Buzzsumo is an excellent tool for uncovering your competitors’ most popular and least popular articles. 


Simply input their blog URL, and Buzzsumo will present a list of their most popular posts, sorted by social shares.

Once you’ve identified their top-performing content, it’s time to leverage Brian Dean’s Skyscraper Technique

Take their most popular posts as inspiration and aim to create even better versions of them. 

For instance, if they wrote about “Amazing Ways to Do Yoga Poses,” you could craft an article on “Advanced Yoga Poses for Beginners” or something similar, offering more detailed insights.


Moreover, Buzzsumo also provides information about those who shared your competitors’ content. By clicking on the “View Shares” link, you can see a list of individuals who shared their articles.

With this valuable data, you can reach out to each of these people and politely ask them to consider sharing your content as well. 

Building these connections can lead to increased visibility and engagement for your blog posts.

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