6 ChatGpt Prompt For Growing Your Business

Best ChatGPT prompt for business growth

A small business owner might be surprised to learn that even if they’re already using ChatGPT, they may not be using it to its full potential. According to a survey 72% of businesses reported experiencing burnout in 2023, and ChatGPT can be the key to unlocking “unstoppable success”.

I will unveil the “power prompts” that can help you “10x” your business. As Henry Ford famously said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten”. These prompts offer a way to break out of old routines and achieve new levels of productivity.

So let me show you how I use ChatGpt for my business day to day activities.

How to setup tone and style in ChatGpt

To make your writing sound like you instead of a robot, you need to tell ChatGPT what tone to use. But how exactly do you put a tone into words? No worries, because ChatGPT can help you define it.


First, find examples of the style you like. This could be stuff that you’ve written or content created by others, such as articles or YouTube videos. If you happen to love Alex Hormozi’s straight talk or Amy Porterfield’s friendly advice, just grab some links or transcripts that show their style the best.

Next, take these examples to ChatGPT and use this prompt:

“I run a business focused on [your niche] and mainly create content like [content type, e.g., blog posts, podcasts, etc.]. I need your expertise to help set a consistent way our content sounds and feels. Analyze the tone and style of the content examples I provide. Look at how formal or casual they are, the kind of emotions they show, the types of words used, how the sentences are built, and any unique features”.

Then, describe your audience so that it can help tailor the tone to resonate with them especially. Paste in the content you want it to analyze and hit enter. ChatGPT will give you an incredibly detailed breakdown that it can follow to sound exactly how you want it to.


If you have the paid version, just paste this breakdown into your custom instructions in the second box. Then ChatGPT will write in your style automatically every time you ask it for something.

6 Powerful ChatGpt prompts for boosting your business.

These prompts will help 10x your business if you use them well.

1. Brainstorming topics

Now that you’ve found your voice, it’s time to get creative. When it comes to crafting any kind of content using ChatGPT, you really can’t just come out and ask it to write you an article or a script from scratch. 

You need to go step by step if you want to get the best results. Our first step here is figuring out the topic, right? So let’s look at how we can prompt ChatGPT to help us brainstorm a powerful list of topics that we can cover, not just today but for the next few months.


We’ll use this prompt:

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“I run a business in [your industry] focusing on [details about your business]. We want to make our online content more varied and interesting to better connect with our audience and boost our online presence. We’re looking to create [type of content, e.g., articles, YouTube videos]. I need you to help me come up with 30 creative and relevant content ideas that fit our industry and really appeal to our target audience, who are [describe your target audience]”.

Then, ask for it to be put in a table format where it gives you suggested topics, a description of each, and three title ideas for each as well. Providing extra context for ChatGPT about why these ideas are important helps it do its job way better. Keep track of the topics and titles you like by putting them in a spreadsheet.

2. Creating content outline

Content outline It’s a structured plan that lays out the key points you want to cover, the order they’ll appear in, and how they’ll flow together.


Starting with creating the outline. For that, we’ll use this prompt:

“I need to make a detailed and unique outline for an [article, script, etc.] about [your niche]. The topic is [X] and the title is [Y]”.

 See the full prompt in the image below.

You’ve gotten the topics and titles from our previous brainstorming prompt. Next, describe your audience and everything the content should include. This ensures that ChatGPT understands the context and goals for your content.


You can request any changes, ask it to get rid of any points you don’t like, or to add something that you think should be included. No big trick here, just chat with it like you would talk to a really smart intern.

3. Writing content

Once the outline looks good, it’s time to start writing the content. To begin writing, stay in the same chat where you developed your outline and use this prompt:

“Using the outline we’ve developed for the article titled [insert title here], I’d like you to start writing the first sections, focusing particularly on the introduction and the initial key point. As we’re addressing [insert your audience here], the content should be [mention the desired tone here]”.

Here’s where you should tell ChatGPT to use storytelling devices to make the content more engaging. This approach will make a significant difference, ensuring the content sounds less academic and more like it was written by a human based on their own experience.


Start with just the introduction and the first key point. Give specific instructions, and then tell ChatGPT to stop and wait for you to review before continuing. This step-by-step process allows ChatGPT to go much deeper into individual points. If you ask for everything at once, the output would end up being really short and pretty shallow.


Continue prompting ChatGPT to proceed to the next key point and the next until you get to the end. The reason for going little by little is to ensure that the content is thorough and detailed.

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Once you’ve completed the entire piece, copy and paste it into a Google Doc. Here’s the critical step that’s going to make your content better than 99% of all the other AI-generated stuff out there: you must do a human pass on it. 

Correct any mistakes, add in any of your own personal experiences, and inject your unique point of view. This human touch is what will make your content stand out.


4. Reply email

When I like to tackle an important sales task—responding to emails from potential clients—ChatGPT can help you answer emails much faster and better than you could do it on your own. Here’s how you do it:

First, set aside an hour or two, not every day, just one time, and compile all of those frequently asked questions that you get along with your best answers to each. Save it in whatever format you’re comfortable with—a Google Doc, spreadsheet, whatever works.

Now, you might be thinking, how is this going to save me time? First, I’m going to share a really smart approach that’s already a huge time saver for managing emails, and then after that, we’ll build on that method to further automate this process to save you even more time.

When you sit down to answer emails, upload your FAQ document along with this prompt:


“I am [your name], the owner of a business specializing in [your niche]. As an expert in this field, I often receive a variety of emails that need timely and thoughtful responses. To assist me with this, I’ve uploaded a document containing frequently asked questions along with my typical responses. I will be pasting individual emails, and I want you to respond to each one as me. The tone should be warm and human, not like a cold, overly professional-sounding customer service response. Refer to the FAQ document for answers to questions. If there’s a question you don’t know how to answer, ask me follow-up questions to get it right”.

Then, paste in the first email and answer any follow-up questions it asks you. Repeat that for every email. Responding this way takes less than a minute per email now.

But it gets even better. There is a way to hook up ChatGPT directly to your inbox and have it generate responses automatically for you. You can do this with the free version of Zapier.

5. Learning new skill

There’s a ton of information out there, like too much information, and that makes it hard to figure out what’s actually useful. So why not have ChatGPT filter through the noise and pinpoint only the most important stuff for me? Here’s the strategy I use.


I apply the 80/20 rule to my learning process. The goal is to find that top 20% of material that’s going to give me 80% of the knowledge and skills that I need. I decide on a specific skill or topic that I want to learn more about. For example, let’s say I want to learn more about running YouTube ads. 

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I would then use this prompt:

“I’m dedicating my break time to improving my skills in [insert your topic here]. I need you to scour the web to comprehensively research this topic. Take everything you find and distill it down to just the top 20% of information that I’ll need to understand it”.

Next, I give it some marks it needs to hit to be as helpful for me as possible. Here’s the prompt:


“The guide should be concise and easy to understand. It should cover key concepts, strategies, best practices, and any common pitfalls to avoid. Make sure to include practical examples and actionable steps. Take as much time as needed to ensure the result is the best it can be”.

Then, ChatGPT will give you back a thoughtfully curated training manual that will help you get better at that topic and help you be a better business owner as well.

6. Website conversion

You know how business gurus are always saying that you should be working on your business rather than in it if you want to grow. A crucial part of that growth strategy is improving your website’s conversion rate. 

No off-the-shelf prompt is going to help you do that because what you need to improve your specific website has to be 100% tailored to you. This is where the ultimate power prompt comes into play.


“I want to improve my website’s conversion rate. Here are some details about my website and target audience: [insert details here]. Help me identify the key areas that need improvement, suggest specific changes or strategies to implement, and provide a step-by-step plan to increase conversions”.

This iterative process isn’t just about getting answers—it’s about getting the right answers to very specific questions, even when you’re not sure what the question is going into.

Final thought…

Using ChatGPT effectively can transform how you run your business, taking you from burnout to unstoppable success. By setting up ChatGPT correctly with custom instructions, you can ensure it always uses your preferred style and tone, saving you time and maintaining consistency. 

Brainstorming content topics becomes a breeze, allowing you to plan months of engaging material in advance. Creating detailed outlines and writing content step by step ensures high-quality results that reflect your unique voice.


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