How To Learn Any Skill Using ChatGPT

How to use ChatGPT for learning any skill

In this guide I will teach you how to use ChatGPT to learn any skill. 

Improving your skills is very necessary, especially if you want to be relevant in your specific industry and earn more money. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” Remember, lifelong learning is a key to success. Nelson Mandela put it well: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

ChatGPT is an amazing tool. I’ve been using it to learn a bunch of skills myself, and I’m not alone. A recent study found that over two-thirds (68%) of professionals report using AI tools to upskill or reskill. It’s a game changer. From coding to writing, even history, ChatGPT has become a powerful resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge.

So I will show you different techniques and prompts you can use to start learning any skill of your choice. And by the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how to use ChatGPT to learn things on your own.


So let’s get started.

5 ways to learn any skill using ChatGpt

Let’s see how Chatgpt can enable you to learn and grow your skills for free using just the prompt I will share with you.

1. Summarize information

ChatGpt has the ability to gather text  from the web and organize it into information. So what I am trying to make you understand here, is that if you paste any link or book title inside ChatGpt it is going to get all the information you request about the book.

And summarize it for you, this can save you a lot of time. So instead of reading the entire book, ChatGpt will help you get the key points from the book.


Let’s summarize this book In Charge by Myles Munroe. So what I’m going to do is type in this Summarize the book In charge by Myles Munroe give me an outline of the most important Concepts. 

So it’s going to create this little outline of the book and give us a summary of the book. And it gives us 10 different concepts that are covered in the book.

Before reading any book I think it’s really smart to do this because it’s going to show you the concepts and if there is any other information you want to know more about the book you can ask ChatGpt.

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You can go further and ask “What are the values this book will add to my life as a leader of a company”.


This is a great way to take different parts of books you are interested in and break them down and get more detail.

2. Use ChatGpt as a mentor

Finding a mentor can be challenging, but the Bible reminds us in Proverbs 15:22: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed”. 

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a constant source of guidance readily available? 

ChatGPT, is a powerful AI tool that can act as your personal mentor for any skill you want to learn.


The beauty of ChatGPT is its adaptability. You can tell it to “be” an expert in any field you choose. For example, if you want to learn entrepreneurship, you can say:

“Hey, I want to learn entrepreneurship. Can you be my mentor?”

Unlike human mentors who might have limited time, ChatGPT is happy to answer all your questions, big or small.The more specific you are, the better the answers.

You can also ask “How do I determine if my business idea is viable?”


ChatGPT will provide answers, but don’t stop there. Ask follow-up questions to gain a deeper understanding:

“Okay, so What are the best methods to validate my business idea in the market?”

The best part? You can keep asking questions and exploring different aspects of entrepreneurship (or any skill you choose) at your own pace.

3. Accountability

Learning a new skill on your own can be tough. There’s no teacher assigning homework, no classmates to keep you motivated, and sometimes finding the time to practice feels impossible. ChatGPT can be your secret weapon for accountability as well as mentorship.


Think of ChatGPT as your personal study partner. Tell it your goals and desired timeframe. For example:

“Hey, I want to launch my own business in two months. Can you design a study schedule for me to learn the essentials of entrepreneurship? I can dedicate one hour per day, five days a week”.

ChatGPT will analyze your goals and time constraints, then generate a personalized schedule.

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Remember, ChatGPT can’t physically hold you accountable. It’s your responsibility to stick to the plan. 


Here’s how to maximize this feature:

  • Copy and Paste the Schedule: Paste it in a document, print it out, or create a digital reminder.
  • Customize as Needed: Two months might be ambitious, but adjust the timeframe for any skill.
  • Stay on Track: Use the schedule as a roadmap, but don’t be afraid to adjust as you learn.

With ChatGPT as your guide and your own commitment, you can conquer any learning goal.

4. Improving your knowledge

Learning a new skill is like building a muscle you need practice to retain information. Exams and tests, while not always the most exciting part of learning, play a crucial role in solidifying your knowledge. 

Here’s how ChatGPT can become your ultimate testing partner for any skill:


Imagine ChatGPT as your personal tutor in any subject. Simply tell it your learning goals and desired test format. Here’s an example for history:

“Hey, I’m preparing for my history exam on the Nigerian civil war. Can you be my teacher and test me on key events?”

ChatGPT offers several testing options:

  • Pre-made Tests: Let ChatGPT provide pre-programmed tests on specific topics. It might offer you options like “Key Figures of the Nigerian civil war” and then present a series of questions for you to answer.
  • Custom Test Creation: For more control, tell ChatGPT to create a test yourself. For example, “Test me on the causes of the Nigerian civil war in a multiple-choice format.”

ChatGPT will present the test questions. Answer them to the best of your ability. After completing the test, ChatGPT will provide feedback. 


This could include:

  • Correct/Incorrect Answers: See if you answered accurately.
  • Explanations for Wrong Answers: Gain insights into why a specific answer was incorrect.
  • Alternative Answer Options: Explore different ways to interpret historical events.

Don’t be limited by basic prompts! Leverage ChatGPT’s flexibility:

  • Simulate Real Exams: Replicate actual exam formats like multiple-choice or essay questions with time limits.
  • Focus on Specific Areas: Need extra practice with a specific chapter in history? Tell ChatGPT to focus on that.
  • Increase Difficulty: As your skills improve, challenge yourself with more complex questions like analyzing primary sources.

The more specific you are in your prompts, the more effective your tests will be. Think outside the box. Imagine scenarios and ask ChatGPT to create a test based on them. For example, “Ask me how I would respond to a historical figure from the Nigerian civil war”.

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5. Learn coding

Learning to code can be an exciting but challenging journey. Understanding syntax, problem-solving techniques, and applying them in real-world application requires consistent practice. 


Here’s where ChatGPT steps in as your ultimate coding learning companion.

Think of ChatGPT as your personal coding instructor. Tell it your goals and desired learning style. 

Here’s an example for someone new to Python:


“Hey, I’m a Python newbie. Can you be my coding instructor and guide me through the basics?”.


ChatGPT offers various learning methods to cater to your needs:

  • Interactive Coding Sessions: Engage in a dialogue with ChatGPT. Ask specific questions about syntax, functions, or debugging errors. For instance, “How do I write a Python function that takes two numbers as input and returns their sum?” ChatGPT will respond with explanations and code examples tailored to your query.
  • Code Snippet Generation: Need a starting point for a coding challenge? Describe the problem you’re trying to solve, and ChatGPT can generate basic code snippets to get you going. For example, “I’m building a program to calculate the area of a circle. Can you give me some Python code to get started?”

ChatGPT goes beyond explanations; it helps you solidify your understanding through practice:

  • Custom Coding Quizzes: Feeling confident with a specific concept? Tell ChatGPT to create a quiz on variables, data types, or control flow statements in Python. This targeted practice helps identify areas needing improvement.
  • Real-World Scenarios: Try real-world coding tasks. Describe a scenario and ask ChatGPT to generate a practice problem based on it. This bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. For example, “Let’s create a Python program to analyze website traffic data and display it in a graph.”

With a personalized learning path, interactive sessions, and targeted practice tests, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a confident coder.

Final thought…

Building a diverse skill set is incredibly rewarding. The more you learn, the stronger your foundation becomes, opening doors to new opportunities. This powerful tool can become your mentor, accountability partner, and testing machine, propelling your learning journey forward.


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